2008年11月3日 星期一

開陽白菜(水炒) Chinese Cabbage with Dried Shrimps

  • 說明 Explanation
    1. 這道菜容許高度個人自由。開陽即晒乾的蝦仁,較小的又稱蝦米。要用多少開陽、多少大白菜、多少油、多少鹽、乃至於白菜要煮多爛,都可隨個人口味偏好而調整。(括弧內的量是舉例參考量。)
    2. This dish allows quite high level of flexibility. The amount of dried shrimp, Chinese cabbage, oil, salt, and how well done can all vary according to personal taste. (The amounts provided are examples for your reference.)
  • 材料 Ingredients
    1. 開陽 一匙 (蝦米十數個至20個,中、大型約6至10個。) Dried shrimp 1 Tablespoon (about 20 small shrimps, or 6 to 10 large ones)
    2. 大白菜 約500公克 Chinese cabbage (about 500 grams, or 2 pounds)
    3. 水 少許 (約2 湯匙) Water a little (about 2 TBS)
    4. 食鹽 少許 (約半茶匙到一茶匙) Salt a pinch (about half or one tsp)
    5. 植物油 少許 (約1.5湯匙) Vegetable oil (about 1.5 TBS)
  • 做法 Procedure
    1. 開陽用冷(温)水泡開 (約半小時)。泡過的水抛棄不要用,甚至可以多換一、兩道水,因可能有含有製作時殘存的鹼水。若喜歡較香的口味,可將開陽切小粒。Soak the dried shrimps in cold (or warm, never hot) water for about 30 minutes. Discard the water, and if possible, rinse with cold water. If stronger flavor is desired, chop up the shrimps into smaller pieces.
    2. 大白菜洗淨,瀝乾,或用刀切段(每段約2~3公分),或用手撕開,莖較多、厚的部份可能需要較多時間才軟,可將之大概分開,預備先行下鍋。Wash and drain the Chinese cabbage. Cut into sections of about 1 inch. Or, if preferred, tear into large pieces. Sections (parts) with thicker stems may take a bit longer to cook to tender, so you may want to sort them out to cook first.
    3. 炒菜鍋 (圓底、平底均可)內放一點水,加蓋加熱到水沸,放入泡好的開陽,煮到有香味傳出,放入白菜(莖多的部份可以先下,待幾分鐘後已見略軟再放入其他)。白菜含水量高,受熱會出水,因此不必加太多水。若擔心高温燒焦,可將火調至中火。Put some water in the frying pan (wok is fine, too). Cover and put on high heat until the water boils. Put in the soaked dried shrimp. When the aroma of the shrimp is detected, put in the cabbage (You may put in the thicker part first. When it becomes tender after a few minutes, put in the rest). As cabbage contains quite a lot of water, there is no need to add too much water. You may want to turn down the heat a little to avoid burning.
    4. 白菜煮軟,預備起鍋前,撒鹽、澆油,用鏟子將鍋中之物攪拌一下,使每片菜葉均能沾到油、鹽。When all the cabbage is sufficiently tender, and just before you are about to dish it out, add salt and oil. Stir slightly so that the salt and oil somewhat evenly cover the cabbage.
    5. 熄火,起鍋,因此菜汁較多,盛於略有深度的盤皿較理想。Turn off the heat. As this dish is rather juicy, it is advisable to serve it in a plate/container with some depth.

